Friday, January 23, 2009

A Few Updates...

I found out yesterday that I am going to have a niece! Chris and Kristina got the news at their appointment yesterday and I couldn't be happier for them. I just keeping thinking how lucky we are that our babies will grow up together and, hopefully, become really good friends! Of course, knowing what they're having just makes me want to know what my bundle of joy is even more, but it's definitely worth the wait. After all, I only need to wait another 10 weeks and I have a feeling that the time will go by very quickly.

I have no new pictures because, honestly, I just don't feel like having my picture taken lately. I know I need to take one soon so I can document this whole experience, but it's still hard to stand in front of a camera when my belly feels so big!

Speaking of my is becoming increasingly interesting to watch it as the baby moves inside. He or she is moving a lot lately and it's not just at night anymore - it's all the time! I can feel it anytime I am remotely still; almost as if it's trying to say "I'm still here mommy!" And although I can feel him or her moving all throughout the day now, it still seams to move a lot more at night or when I'm lying down. It's really kind of cute because whatever side I lie on it kicks or punches my side until I turn to the other side. It waits a few minutes and then starts doing the same thing on that side. I've concluded that the baby just doesn't like it when I lie on it! At first I was honestly a little annoyed by it but now that the time seams to be going by so quickly I'm really enjoying the feeling of this little thing moving so much inside of me; even if it keeps me up at night :-)

Besides preparing for the baby, Rob and I have had a lot of things going on these past few months; the most important one being finding Rob a new job. Since he was laid off back in the beginning of December life as been different because Rob has obviously been home a lot more than usual. And to be honest, I am going to miss him when he does find a job and go back to work. It's been nice to just hang out and sleep in together (and we all know that Rob loves to sleep in...) as well as spend our days relaxing and talking about our new life as we become parents. But as much as I will miss these times we've had together I really feel blessed that we have been able to spend this time with each other without being too stressed about money or his job situation. He had an interview this week with Northeastern Seminary and we are really praying that everything will fall into place with this job. If it doesn't, then we'll just keep looking and pray that God will open up a door for him sometime soon. Everything happens for a reason and we trust that as we remain faithful to Him, He will continue to provide for us.

I'll be sure to keep updating on Rob's job as well as what's happening with the baby!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

12 weeks, 6 days and counting!

I cannot believe that our baby will be here in approximately 13 weeks! The time has gone by so quickly and it's just crazy to think that I'm already in the third trimester.
  • About 3 weeks ago the baby really started moving to the point where Rob could somewhat feel it on the outside. Of course it never moves when I want it to so that others can feel it too! Within the past week the baby has started moving so much that you can actually see it moving on my tummy! It is such a surreal feeling and honestly looks really weird, but we're enjoying every minute of it. It's been really hard for me to sleep at night lately and it is so comforting to wake up in the night and feel my baby moving and kicking inside. (Though I'm hoping that this doesn't mean that it will stay up all night long!)
  • Besides being really tired and somewhat emotional lately, I've been feeling pretty good. I'm at the point where I feel big and it doesn't always feel good to look in the mirror at my increasingly growing belly. And of course I know it's worth it and look forward to meeting this baby more than anything...I just really miss my pre-pregnancy body sometimes!

  • We had another doctors appointment on Monday of this week and now my appointments will be 3 weeks apart instead of 4; which will only make the arrival of this little one seem to come even sooner. We'll be sure to keep everyone updated on how things are going and how much the baby is moving. Our baby will be here before we know it!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas, a Wedding and Rockin' Bowl!

Christmas really flew by for us this year. We had a lot of work to do with the Christmas Eve services at church so that made things very busy leading up to Christmas day, but it was well worth it. We had a really nice night and after the service went to my parents to celebrate with them and got to spend a lot of time with my sister, Amber, which was great!

Christmas morning we got up and went to Rob's parents house to celebrate with his family. Rob was especially excited because our brother-in-law, Chris, got him a radar detector and his parents got us a GPS! Rob had a little too much fun driving this past week!

A belly shot with my sister-in-law, Kristina on Christmas morning.
We're about 8 weeks apart; she was 17 weeks here and I was 25 weeks.
I can't believe my baby is going to have a cousin so close in age!

Around 2:00 p.m. on Christmas day we got in the car and headed to Canada to stay the night with my grandparents. We had a really nice time with them and look forward to making a visit again so they can meet the baby! We left their place the next afternoon to get to Michigan by 3:00 p.m. where we met Ben, Rob's best friend, at our hotel. We spent the evening at the rehearsal and dinner and then went back to the hotel where Rob and Ben were able to spend some time together before he tied the not.

On December 27, Ben and Kristin joined the 'married' club. They are such a great couple and we are so excited that Ben found such an amazing bride in Kristin. We look forward to visiting them down in Virginia over the years and continuing to grow our friendship.

Rob was happy to stand as Ben's best man and the two of us sang Household of Faith, a Steven Curtis Chapman song which fit well into their theme of Faith, Family and Friends.

Here are a few pictures from their beautiful day...

Rob and Ben at the rehearsal.

Rob got artistic with the rings...

At the altar...

There is never a dull moment when the Dolby boys are around!

The beautiful bride and groom.

Best man speech.

I had the pleasure of holding a sweet 7 week old little boy during the reception. It was good to get some practice in before my little one arrives!

From the reception hall, Rob and I drove across the border to Windsor where my Aunt, her husband and my cousins live. We stayed up way too late catching up and then got up the next morning and celebrated Christmas with my mom's parents and her siblings. And of course Christmas with them would not be complete without our annual 'concert' which we all love so much... :-) After my grandparents went home, all the grandkids went to Rockin' Bowl at a local bowling alley. We scrounged around to find matching team outfits and headed out for an hour and half full of horrible bowling but we had fun none the less.

The whole gang at the end of the night.

The argyle team...Will, Cristen, Katie and Marcie.

The striped team...Amber, Marcie, Rob and I.