So much has happened in the past month that I don't even know where to begin! There was my mom's 50th Birthday, Amber coming home, my Baby Shower and of course more baby updates!
February 26th was my Mom's 50th Birthday and we (meaning my sisters, David, Rob and I) planned months ago to have my older sister Amber come home and surprise my Mom for the big day. I was a little nervous that she would figure out our big surprise before her Birthday but somehow we kept it a secret! Rob, Marcie and I picked Amber up at the airport in Buffalo a little after 4:00 p.m. on the 26th and were able to give Mom the best Birthday present ever - having all 3 of her girls with her for the night! We met Mom and David at Pomodoro's in the city and had such a great time just being all together. I'm so glad it all worked out!
Here is a picture of my Mom and sisters at her Birthday dinner. It was so nice to all be together again
The next morning Rob and I went to our last birthing class (thanks goodness!) and then had my Baby Shower that afternoon. My Mom and Mother-in-law hosted it at the Ellen Stowe Room in Garlock and everything turned out so nice. We got a lot of things for the baby and feel so much more prepared now that we actually have some baby clothes, blankets and so much more. I still can't believe how much space such a little baby takes up!
It was also a real treat to have all of the Aunt's-to-be and Grandma's-to-be at the shower together!

With Amber and Marcie at the shower...
Now onto the baby news...I am officially 37 weeks pregnant today and cannot believe how fast the time is going by. We had another Doctor's appointment (I go every week now) and it turns out that I am already 2 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced! This doesn't necessarily mean that the baby will be early but it really could come at any time. Not that it scares me, but it seems weird that it could be so close! I'm paranoid now every time I feel something odd happen in my body and wonder if it's a contraction but so far nothing has really happened. I actually worry that I won't be able to tell when I'm in labor but from what other mom's have told me, I'm pretty sure I'll know what it's coming! We're just trying to make sure we having everything ready and are trying to remember to relax and just let it happen. He or she will be here before we know it!