Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Our Sweet Baby

First of all, I started this blog so that my sister, Amber, can stay informed on all that's going on here with the pregnancy. Hopefully she feels like she isn't missing out on anything!

Well, we are officially past the half way point! Tomorrow I will be 21 weeks pregnant and could not be more excited to have this sweet little baby living and growing inside of me. We went to the doctor's yesterday for our big ultrasound, and although it was hard, we are still going to wait until after this baby is born to find out if it's a little boy or little girl. I just can't imagine how exciting it will be to hear the doctor say "it's a....!"

Here are a few pictures of our sweet baby at 20 weeks...

We also brought a DVD with us to the ultrasound appointment, and although they are really short, we think they're sweet. Our little baby is moving around so much already!