Tuesday, July 14, 2009

3 Months...

Aubrey turned 3 months old on July 6th and so much has happened since I last updated this. We have had lots of visitors and cannot believe how quickly she is growing and changing - her little personality is too sweet! It might take me a few posts to get completely updated with all that has happened so I better get started...
First of all, I want to take a minute to talk about the things that Aubrey is doing right now...
  • She holds her head up all on her own
  • She loves to stand up on her own with me just holding her hands - she is such a strong little thing!
  • She loves tummy time
  • She loves to play on her floor gym and "talks" to it the whole time
  • She "talks" to us all the time now. I think it's one of Rob's favorite things to do when he gets home - just talk to her and hear her talk back to him about how her day was - too cute!
  • She SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT! It's amazing - I'll feed her somewhere between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. then she'll cuddle and fall asleep until anywhere between 6:00 and 8:00 a.m. Believe me, I know just how lucky we are!
  • She grew out of her bassinet so we had to set her crib up. It was bittersweet because on the same day I also packed away all of her newborn sized clothes (she was 3 months old and still fit into her newborn clothes...) so she is really getting bigger. I love to see her grow and change but it's hard to let go of her being so teeny-tiny! She does look awfully cute and little again in her crib though and it was nice to set up all of her nice things!
  • She is also starting to laugh :-) It is probably the sweetest sound I have ever heard. I just love her to pieces!

I'm sure I'll think of more cute things she does, but for now, we'll move on to some pictures of her first month...

Aubrey on Easter Sunday - her first time to church at 6 days old!

Aubrey meeting a lot of people on David, my step-dad's, side of the family. She got to meet her only Great-great Grandmother!

On April 19 we decided to take some pictures of Aubrey while she was still teeny-tiny, and of course we had to take some naked ones! Hopefully she won't hate us for it when she's older but I think they're pretty cute!

I was so excited when Amber came to visit the weekend of April 24-26! I couldn't wait for her to meet Aubrey and to see her - it was such a nice visit. I just wish she lived closer so that Aubrey could get to know her Aunt better :-( But she is coming to visit 10 days from now so we are looking forward to that a lot!!!

My favorite picture of the two of them - I love their faces!

Aubrey's umbilical cord fell off when she was 2.5 weeks and she was finally able to have a real bath! She loved the water and still loves her bath today. It is one of my favorite times of the day because she gets so cuddly after her bath all wrapped up in her little towel :-)

The following weekend, my grandparents made a trip from Canada to meet our little sweetie and they just loved it! It was so nice to see them and have them hold Aubrey and we can't wait to see them again in August!

This picture was taken on Aubrey's 1 month birthday - May 6, 2009.

I'll have to post about the past 2 months another time because I think it's time to go to bed! I better take advantage of this time that Aubrey is sleeping :-)

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