Thursday, January 8, 2009

12 weeks, 6 days and counting!

I cannot believe that our baby will be here in approximately 13 weeks! The time has gone by so quickly and it's just crazy to think that I'm already in the third trimester.
  • About 3 weeks ago the baby really started moving to the point where Rob could somewhat feel it on the outside. Of course it never moves when I want it to so that others can feel it too! Within the past week the baby has started moving so much that you can actually see it moving on my tummy! It is such a surreal feeling and honestly looks really weird, but we're enjoying every minute of it. It's been really hard for me to sleep at night lately and it is so comforting to wake up in the night and feel my baby moving and kicking inside. (Though I'm hoping that this doesn't mean that it will stay up all night long!)
  • Besides being really tired and somewhat emotional lately, I've been feeling pretty good. I'm at the point where I feel big and it doesn't always feel good to look in the mirror at my increasingly growing belly. And of course I know it's worth it and look forward to meeting this baby more than anything...I just really miss my pre-pregnancy body sometimes!

  • We had another doctors appointment on Monday of this week and now my appointments will be 3 weeks apart instead of 4; which will only make the arrival of this little one seem to come even sooner. We'll be sure to keep everyone updated on how things are going and how much the baby is moving. Our baby will be here before we know it!

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